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God has restored my marriage when it seemed like all hope was gone. Now we strive for the oneness that God has ordained for marriage.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Who Are You Listening To?

Don’t listen to what everyone else says about your marriage; listen to what God says. Too often we seek the opinions of others in order to get a better understanding of what we should do in a particular situation. And even if what they say is contrary to the Word of God as it pertains to our issue(s), their words have an impact on our decision making. It now leaves us confused as to what we should do because on one shoulder (figuratively speaking), we hear “don’t stay in this mess, you deserve better. Just leave…you should be happy. They don’t understand you; they don’t know how to treat you. You can find someone better”, and on the other side you hear “but God hates divorce and besides, I’m not being physically abused, we’re just going through some things right now. God can restore this, if we choose to allow Him. Hang in there, it will get better…just be determined and not give up. God will change our hearts; He can show us how to love one another again.” But because we’re hearing from both sides, we really become torn and unsure as to what we should do.

My friend, seek God, and He alone, will give you the answer by confirming what He has been telling you all of this time through the Holy Spirit. The response you’ve been hearing, the one that did not sound selfish, the one that has been telling you God CAN restore this...that is the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, telling you to not give up. Know that God is not the author of confusion…that would be the enemy and one of his many tricks to tear your marriage apart. Remember, he HATES marriage, especially Christian marriages, and that stems all the way back to Adam and Eve. Don’t allow him to get into your mind and cause it to play tricks on you! The devil has already been defeated; therefore, he has no business trespassing in your marriage!

You’re not confused. You’re not crazy. You know what God has instructed you to do. No, it’s not going to be easy…neither was Jesus dying on the cross for you, but He knew He had to do it in order to save you. So it is in your marriage. Get up, pick up your cross, bare it, and watch how through your obedience, God will restore everything that the enemy came to destroy. He will give you the wisdom, the strength and the determination to make it to the finish line…WITH YOUR SPOUSE! He will equip both of you to do whatever He instructs you to do in order to save your marriage. In the meantime, try not to become frustrated with one another, with yourself, or with God.

I know what you’re thinking…”Kianna, it’s easier said than done!” Don’t I know!!! Something else I know without a shadow of a doubt…it can be done! It’s possible…THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! Without Him, we would have lost our minds. Without Him, we would be divorced and God would not have been able to use us to encourage others! And now because of Him, we’ve been married for 13 years (that’s a HUGE milestone for us when you look at where we were headed). Because of Him, my husband and I love each other like never before. Because of Him, we continue to honor our covenant that we made to God and to one another. Listen, God doesn’t lie…He WILL RESTORE IT! But He needs you to trust Him and believe what He says, no matter the circumstance!

Be encouraged my brother, my sister! God’s FAITHFUL!

With Love,
Striving for Oneness


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