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God has restored my marriage when it seemed like all hope was gone. Now we strive for the oneness that God has ordained for marriage.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Praying For A Change

Remember that “the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds”
~ 2 Corinthians 10:4 (ASV)  

Wives, don’t constantly nag and complain about the area(s) in which your husband lacks. Husbands, don’t shut down when you become frustrated about the areas in which your wife lacks.

Instead, pray for YOURSELF and THEN pray for your SPOUSE. First, ask God to change everything in YOU that does not bring glory to His Name and does not benefit your marriage. Too often, we go to God complaining about our spouse, when most of the time there are things that need to be changed within ourselves as well.  Granted, I am in no way encouraging you to NOT pray for your spouse. I am encouraging you to pray about your spouse AND YOURSELF as it relates to seeing a change in your marriage.

Know that prayer CHANGES THINGS! The Bible informs us that some things (strongholds) require a spiritual sacrifice such as fasting (Matthew 17:21). Seek God and listen to His instructions for your marriage…then OBEY what He has instructed you to do, and do it with no hesitation. 

We must do something we’ve never done before in order to receive something we’ve never had or experienced before.

I pray that your marriage will be strengthened as you seek Him for direction!

~Striving for Oneness~

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