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God has restored my marriage when it seemed like all hope was gone. Now we strive for the oneness that God has ordained for marriage.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Restoration after an affair...is it possible?

Do you believe a marriage can be restored after it has experienced infidelity?

Share your thoughts and/or personal experience dealing with infidelity in your relationship. 


  1. I do believe its possible to be restored after an affair, but it is HARD work and requires alot of dependence on God to do so. Man's love will send us to divorce court after an affair and God understood that, thus the reason we are allowed to divorce if one partner cheats. But God wants us to view marriage the same as His covenant with us, He never leaves us or forsakes us, no matter how many times we "cheat" on Him. Being restored after an affair requires both parties to take self-inventory and see where the union got off track. It requires both parties to give their hurt, anger, fear, guilt, and hearts to God to allow Him to do what needs to be done to bring about restoration. If God is not put back in the center of the union, it may survive the affair, but it will never be all that God intended.

  2. I believe that God can do all things but fail and thus with us likewise! There us no failure in God, He is able to restore you just have to be willing! There's not one sin bigger than another, sin is sin, hate the sin, love the person enough to give them to God. Now once is maybe a mistake... All after that you get what you deserve and thus God deals accordingly! We have to lift each other up because no marriage is safe from the snares of the enemy and his tricks but with God all things are possible! God can do all things and we can live in his will!

  3. I believe marriage can be restored as well. Although infidelity is something very hard to get through once committed ~ as others have commented, it IS possible through God. There will be a lot of emotions to deal with for both parties. The one who committed the adultery, should confess and repent for their sin. They must forgive themselves and let go of the guilt. The other spouse should make every effort to forgive, reconcile and work towards restoration. Forgiveness will be needed to move forward. In doing so, the enemy will try his hardest to torment your mind...reminding you of the past and how much hurt you encountered. We have to fight against all tricks and tactics of the enemy. It's his job to destroy the union God has created. Therefore, we should always look for reasons to restore our marriage rather than look for excuses to leave it. Both parties need to be determined to overcome this setback. Remember, what the enemy tried to use as a setback is really a setup from God preparing you for something greater! Giving up is not an option!!

  4. YES, when God has the heart of the man or woman, it is most definitely possible. The heart is what gets captured and from there it becomes an act. Actually mind/heart is the tool the enemy will use. In saying yes, I also must say there will have to be ordered in the process and there is a process of dealing with the hurt, true repentance, continual fellowship with God, trust, respect and the must of being open (pride must go in the process). This is just to name a few. We are not just talking about the actual act but also mental adultery/infidelity. AGAIN, GOD IS ABLE!--Sugg
