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God has restored my marriage when it seemed like all hope was gone. Now we strive for the oneness that God has ordained for marriage.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Change Your Perception!

How do you perceive your marriage? Yourself?  Your spouse? Do you say to yourself (or to others) "my marriage is never going to come out of this", "he/she will never change", "this is just who I am, I can’t change", "maybe I married the wrong person", "maybe I am the reason they cheated, I probably deserved it"? As of today, God wants you to STOP having those negative thoughts about yourself, your spouse and your marriage! The bible says "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7a AMP)". See yourself, your spouse and your marriage how God sees you...full of greatness, a conqueror and free from bondage! He sees restoration for that marriage that dealt with adultery, He sees healing for those that are hurting, He sees your spouse saved, He sees abundance in your finances, He sees you loving one another unconditionally, He sees you becoming stronger after every test, He sees oneness in your marriage!
Don't have a grasshopper mentality! I love the story of Caleb (Numbers 13) when Moses sent him and 11 others to spy on the land of Canaan. After exploring the land for forty days, the other men only saw how big the people were (signifying the problems we face), therefore, they immediately perceived themselves as grasshoppers compared to those giants. They even assumed that’s how the people saw them, although no one ever said that. But Caleb never looked at how big the people (the problems) were; he remained focus on the promises that were given once they took over the land.
I've learned that you have to stay focused on God's promises. Problems, trials and tests will come, it's inevitable, but if you have the right perception, and see yourself/your marriage victorious, more than conquerors, you will be determined to push through your problems. Thinking negative only hinders you from your blessings. Today, claim your victory in Jesus Name! As my Pastor says "Change your stinkin' thinkin'!" Don’t look, think or feel defeated!
Pray daily (every chance your get) and ask Jesus to help you change your mindset. Whenever the negative thoughts enter your mind (and they will), combat them with positive thoughts – such as God’s promises. For me, I will immediately begin singing a praise or worship song to distract those thoughts. We must learn to fight back and not allow ourselves to be overtaken by our circumstances. When the enemy fights you…FIGHT BACK! Pray over your marriage, pray over your home, open your kitchen cabinets and claim that they will remain full all the days of your life (Romans 4:17 “calls into existence things that don't yet exist”), lay hands on your wallet, on your bed, wherever you need to…because we constantly try to fight this battle in the flesh but it’s a SPIRITUAL BATTLE! So use your spiritual weapon….PRAYER!!!
I pray that you will no longer see yourself or your marriage as one that is defeated, live in regret, or speak (or think) negatively. God can change your negative into a positive….if you let Him!

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